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Currently, I'm publishing sporadically (as in, there has been a span of 10 months between the last post and the current post). I'd like to write and publish more. Unfortunately, I'm a super busy person, especially since I work a 9 to 5 job five days a week. If you want to help me free up more time, so I can write and publish more, please buy me a coffee or sponsor me through recurring Patreon payments (so you don't forget!).

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Just a Day Like Any Day Else

Can't really say anything too exciting happened today. Did the work thing today. My highlight at work today: A customer took some really bad news from me very well. The news follows from cause and effect, if you can understand how the insurance business works, but it really felt like a huge relief when the customer didn't get worked up about the bad news. I kept on comparing the situation to breaking up with a significant other. . .and it just turned out so well! So cool.

Took another one of my baths. I think that I may've found the perfect setting: 270 degrees on the 360 degree dial. I fiddled with it a little while filling up the tub, and I felt a little luke warm after a small time in the tub, but I got relaxed and didn't have a hard time breathing or have to get back our then get back into the tub or even feel as if I had a hard time tolerating the water. Cool.

Also, today, I came to the conclusion that this whole communication deal while working with the career counsellor and that I must face during my job hunt exists as something of a chronic issue that has haunted me my whole life. A couple people have told me that there's something weird about me. . .but they couldn't put their finger on exactly what gave them this impression. I plan to read up on the topic.

In the last couple hours, I made it through the rest of the list of networking, job search and industry websites that the career counselor gave me. Nothing exciting came out of it because I pretty much just explored the job search function on all of them or the purpose of the website to see if it would help me. Surprisingly, I found one or to that will provide some unique opportunities that I never saw before. Tomorrow, I start editing the resume, cover letters and so forth that the career counselor put together for me so that they fit my style. Afterward at some point, I will also need to memorize my 2-minute "career story" and the ideas on the resume.

In addition, today and yesterday, I've done some thinking to see if any research jobs exist out there for studying organizational culture and sociology. If so, I'd very much like to join that team of research.

For now, though, I need to contact some people on Friendster then watch some TV before bed.



Shaw Israel Izikson said...


Anonymous said...

So, Lex...

Wht do you think about this whole, "Shaw's last entry" crap?

The_Lex said...

Ehhhhh. . .in the long run, it's his Blog, so he has the pregorative to do what he wishes with it. As for any kind of personal level to it, I don't have any problem with it. It's his life. He can share it in anyway that he wants.

The_Lex said...

Really, though. I think we should feel thankful that Shaw has decided to share any part of his life with us.

Shaw Israel Izikson said...

Like, what part o' my life ya want? Ya can have it... *BAH*

The_Lex said...

Oh, calm down, you ol' coot!

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