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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Uninspired Running Around

A fair amnount of stuff happened today:

+ Wrote about a quarter page for the novel,

+ Went to the hairdresser,

+ Did random stuff with e-mail, eating and faxing a fiction writing sample to a children's publishing company (wondering about the appropriateness of the piece) then

+ Event Marketed at a the festival at St. Benedicts north of here.

Days like today, I get annoyed about not having much intellectual stimulation. Even while reading a book important to my project, I feel taxed and not particularly innovative. All the stuff I do for the project feels very long term, not like it pushes inspirational buttons to ponder about on some conscious level.

Or maybe I'm just tired and need some sleep.

But man, six or so hours of standing around, trying to get people to enter a contest and tour a preview center can really get annoying, especially when no one really goes for it. I really look forward to doing more job searching starting on Tuesday. . ..

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