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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sick, Temping and Looking for Work

Early in the morning right now, before 5 AM. The fiancee and I have gotten up early, so we can make it to our flight back to the Boston area for Thanksgiving.

I've stayed pretty busy lately and haven't really had the cognitive resources to write entries for the Lextopia, work on my job search or do any writing. A strange yet weak sick has struck me, something to do with the sinuses. It may be my allergies acting up or something.

A couple temp assignments have kept me busy and will do so for a couple weeks after Thanksgiving. Hard to believe that my temp assignment with Fannie Mae only ended a couple weeks ago. Since then, though, I've taken notes for a pharmaceutical company doing market research (not something I would recommend) and hanging out behind a desk, watching daytime TV and reading newspapers, magazines and a book doing very very light reception work because no one calls my area of the building or visits.

I did one day of the market research note taking and four days of the reception work. After getting back from Thanksgiving, I'll do a total of 8 days of note taking again, in two day blocks over two weeks. They'll give me some long hours, too, so I probably won't have too much trouble paying bills until December. After that, though, I will need to get my butt into gear.

I find myself in a really strange spot. . .sick, temping and looking for work around the holidays. Not a fun prospect, I tell you, not a fun prospect.

1 comment:

Jeremy Roby said...

Misery loves company, my friend. I hear you.

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