The Lexdate: This Week - Not Much Research, Plenty of Snark
Today, African Americans compose less than 2% of the nation’s farmers and 1% of its ⁰rural landowners. Governor Dayton Recommends New Law Enforcement Training Fund Be Named in Memory of #PhilandoCastile I'm not a fan of marital discord, BUT there are a lot more people who worse now than the governor now or future. YES! We got a budget. Now the state can start paying years old bills. Ugh. Learning a bit about John Milton. He was a bit of a rabble rouser. I'm scared what he would think of the world today. Tell Congress: Pass the Fair and Equal Housing Act to protect LGBTQ people | CREDO Action [How diets & exercise get sabotaged] Pain Before Pleasure Makes The Pleasure Even Better, Study Finds : NPR Currently hating my ability to know when something is wrong when I don't have the capital or time to figure out why & how to address. Or maybe this will head toward elections that don't breed such horrorshow hate fests where campaigns don't pull out all the stops? This conclusion strikes on the most that could be done, and with current evidence, it's still a stretch. Trump: the jerk who gives meaning to the rules. Note: I appreciate the strike Jr causes to the Trump family in the Court of the Public Opinion. Doubt it shakes Trump supporters, though. Comey should go into business as Federal Election Campaign & Finance compliance & teach personnel how to take notes. Shorthand back! Next discussion in the press: what is legal definition of 'solicit' & did Trump campaign engage in it with foreign nationals for #oppo? #Election2016: an object lesson in oversharing, privacy matters, & the Internet/text messages make us all targets. [Prosperity & soc svcs about more than feeling good.] Is a More Prosperous World More Secure? Not as Trump Sees It [I think this is the weakest gov't approval in my life] Americans' Approval of Congress Unchanged in May | Gallup I wouldn't be surprised if Trump were made of Teflon. Just how much data goes back & forth between phone & Facebook. FB only app that doesn't work in power saving mode. Is there an opposite to #WagTheDog? It feels like that's what the GOP is doing. Do people have some need for drama, something to oppose them? Asking this academically, not because of any current situation. The steel tariff/natch security "research" inspired by this article today. Is #toxicmasculinity the same thing as #machoness? Or should be a term like toxic machoness? Funny for me, the manipulative power of NLP is really the icing on the cake for me. I also have instinctual run away reflex to people who try selling NLP as the answer to ALL YOUR PROBLEMS! Until we break people out of their Trumpnosis, dude is going to keep trampling. However, I fall under believing socialization. Now how do we actually start discrediting toxic masculinity among all people? Email Congress to Save Critical Public Media Funding My latest thought for long term fight against #GOP: Support liberal & progressive STATE representatives. They determine #gerrymandering. Is there a Chris Pine counter-Bechdel test? He's definitely taking good parts that can't hold against him, but. . .but. . . Something the current US government has taught me: I want deliberative democracy, not just representative democracy. Problem with the #US putting a demagogue into office: we did it wrong. Popular vote supposed to it. Instead protecting a poli-minority did. I'd be willing to let Skrillex remix the US government right now. Cool! Switched some of my purchasing from #WholeFoods to #Amazon to save $$$. I figured it didn't matter b/c two huge companies. I guess it didn't
I haven't accomplished much in the last couple weeks for the project. I've done a lot of reading and deliberation over some topics but not satisfyingly advancing in the matter. Not much to report.
I probably won't have much to report over the next couple weeks, either. Every two years I have to get enough Continuing Education credits to renew my insurance license in Illinois. I use the tactic to try getting half my credits in the first summer after renewal and the second half during the second summer. There are some exceptions when I can get most of them at once or I switch the season when I get them. I like to at least have down a plan of how many credits I want to get when.
I might just get all but a few credits over the next couple weeks. Those last few credits must be in-class ethics credits, which I plan to take the first chance for a free ethics class. For whatever reason, property disaster recovery companies host free ones frequently. They probably do it for marketing purposes, hoping that an agent will refer them to clients that need them. At the very least, they hope an agent will put them on a list since it might be unethical for an agent to refer just one disaster recovery company.
Companies that provide all types of courses -- online, take home, live class, etc. -- send a lot of promotional materials to agents when it comes to license renewal time. I already had enough credits for this renewal, so I figure I'll give it a shot to address my own schedule of summer credits for the new two-year term. We'll see how it goes.
That being said, I'll probably focus a lot of attention on that for the next week or two. I plan to do it, get it done, then move on with my life. I probably won't provide that many project updates because I don't expect to make TOO MUCH progress on it while doing this continuing education stuff. If I make any useful progress, though, I'll try to post it.
My Twitter posts on the other hand. . .I've gotten a little hot over the last couple weeks for reason I'm pretty sure my readers would understand. Without further ado (which I think might be becoming a catch phrase for me):
— The_Lex (@screwjaw) July 11, 2017