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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Unofficially Scraping the Surface of Making Financial Tools and Concepts More Practical

A blog trying to explore creativity, community and stuff like that, like this one, has a place for tips on making sense of finance and organizing stuff. I came to the realization that a creative person could use these types of skills when I read an Asimov's Science Fiction column by Robert Silverberg a long, long time ago.

Silverberg's argument boils down to: "Creative people will likely not become rich, comfortable and ready for retirement solely from writing or whatever they create. Even creative people, unless they have some kind of fortunate windfall, will need to invest wisely to reach independent wealth and a comfortable retirement."

I won't give out stock tips or get too deep into investment stuff. I have reached an awkward stage in my life/career. I feel comfortable enough with my knowledge and instincts to follow my own advice. I may even offer my thoughts to friends and family, leaving it to them whether they find my advice sound or not.

At the same time, I have enough professional qualifications that weak social contacts might view my ruminations as qualified advice. Some people might view my 10 years working in the insurance industry and light experience evaluating risk as certification for being considered an investment professional. I don't offer that kind of advice and don't want the responsibility that comes along with it.

I have no problem giving advice on saving time, reducing stress and possibly even protecting personal finances against sudden physical and health-related losses. This blog entry or future entries are not any kind of marketing pitch, though. At most, I hope someone might take my ruminations, investigate and research them a little more then come up with useful conclusions of their own.

And if I present some tips to set up some practical organization principles and tactics, I hope people will take them to heart. They could make more sense of financial or health information. At the very least, they might address some issue in the future more efficiently than if I didn't mention some stuff I might mention.

All in all, this entry has become more of an abstracted, unclear rumination to say that I may want to bring up topics on how to handle the financial realm. Lots of people find financial stuff impractical, once you get deeper into it. I hope, every once in while, to shine some practical light on these topics.

Guess the only way I'll find out if I'm any good at doing so is by going ahead and writing about it. Please join me in some future entries to see if I'm any good at writing about these topics.


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