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Currently, I'm publishing sporadically (as in, there has been a span of 10 months between the last post and the current post). I'd like to write and publish more. Unfortunately, I'm a super busy person, especially since I work a 9 to 5 job five days a week. If you want to help me free up more time, so I can write and publish more, please buy me a coffee or sponsor me through recurring Patreon payments (so you don't forget!).

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Sunday, September 03, 2017

Take Me Out on a Lexdate: Buy Me a Coffee! and also Project Update and A Week of Armchair Tweets


As you can see all over The Lextopia and my social media, I have generated all these links about buying me a coffee. My wife, Michi Trota, turned me onto Ko-Fo, a service that allows for one-time minimal-cost low-amount support from people who love a creator's content. In general, the idea is that a supporter is buying the creator a cup of coffee (though I don't object to receiving more!).

I wrote the following as my elevator profile:

Spiritual, communitarian geek ruminating on culture, writing & utopia. Also an amateur science fiction and academic writer and activist (stress the amateur for activist).
My message to petition for support:
For many years now, I have been working on an ambiguously dystopian novel and a collection of essays on utopianism and dystopianism, as assigned to me in college, but I hope to make a product for public consumption someday. I have also posted and written for my blog, The Lextopia, which I hope has entertained, educated, opened eyes, and raised questions. I may engage in some social and political activism while I'm at it.

Upon completing the novel and collection of essays, I would love to make a career in writing, fiction, non-fiction, and maybe academia.

My current projects don't pay the bills, so I have to work the day job. Neither does a writer necessarily make a living wage without making it big or working long long hours. It takes a fair amount of time and effort to produce and release my work. Not only should we all get paid for good work that is enjoyed, but money helps free up time for me to actually make it. Working a day job pays the bills but does leave me with little time and energy. You can help make more for you to enjoy.
So if you like what you see here and in the past and want to free me up for more, support my endeavors by Buying Me a Coffee. I appreciate any and all support that you can provide.


I've had a strange flurry of online research and organizing my thoughts over the last month or so. At some point on this here blog, I wrote something about my research about late 18th-century and 19th-century US politics and bits of history has informed my understanding of today while today's annoying state of things has influenced my understanding of the times I'm researching. My big advances here involves electoral politics and how the census gets involved in determining the number of seats in the House and Electoral College, especially the bits about how even people that get counted in the census but can't vote still enter into the count to determine the number of seats.

Knowing that aspect also sheds a lot on the competition that states can have against each other to compete for people to live in their borders. Or on the other hand, the underhanded and, as I see it, immoral and unethical actions to increase the population by putting into law and practice actions that go against populations (such as voter suppression, doing things that encourage as much pregnancy and birth as possible, fighting against birth control, etc. etc.).

But I fear that the above has re-hashed some stuff I've mentioned in a previous entry.

I think my biggest accomplishment over the last couple weeks has been to come up with mapping thoughts and ruminations in an orderly fashion through what I can best call an argument flow chart. It comes down to putting the main topic on the top left side then writing lines to the right with branching topics then connecting topics/facts/arguments that support the levels above it. I hope it will help organize and provide me with sense of the topics that I'm wrestling.

Other than that, doing a lot of reading of many library books that I've taken out over the last few months and just keep renewing. Hopefully they will make even more sense of things along with my new strategy to order information, so I can actually write something that I feel confident about.


If you like what you see here and in the past and want to free me up for more, support my endeavors by Buying Me a Coffee.

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