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Currently, I'm publishing sporadically (as in, there has been a span of 10 months between the last post and the current post). I'd like to write and publish more. Unfortunately, I'm a super busy person, especially since I work a 9 to 5 job five days a week. If you want to help me free up more time, so I can write and publish more, please buy me a coffee or sponsor me through recurring Patreon payments (so you don't forget!).

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Thursday, March 03, 2005

Another Late Night & Bills. . .ugh

I really should get to bed. Still I felt the need to tell the world how disappointing it gets to make all this money then having to give to someone else @ the end of the month to pay the bills. I don't care so much abt having money for the sake of having it. I look @ money as a tool to get stuff I want, not as some sort of status tool. Still. . .there's just something abt seeing nearly $1000 go away after just a cpl strokes of a pen in one evening.

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